Thursday, August 28, 2008

Axiom from Dr. Mario Ramos

There is an axiom that I read first read in The Unstoppable Force by Erwin McManus. I’m paraphrasing: “Leaders Create Culture.” Remember Jesus at the Lord’s Supper, when he washed the disciples’ feet. His service and words at that moment changed the culture of that room (they had been arguing who was the greatest). His whole life and life message was a culture-creating event. He lived out his mission, For the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and give his life as a ransom for many. We are always about creating culture; we just need to be more thoughtful and intentional about it.

Axioms that work

We shared Monday night in Greenhouse some of our favorite sayings or axioms that help guide us as we plant and grow churches. Here are some that I jotted down:

Be the solution, not the problem
Don't whine. All pastors and especially planters have it tough. If you are not a problem solver and a man of prayer, you will have difficulty planting a church. Just ask Ryan Frazier at Mission Church. Prayer, persistence, patience and creative problem solving helped him secure the high school for their church.

Love many, trust few, and paddle your own canoe
Beware of relying on a few people making your dreams come true. Take ownership

Less is more
Delegate and leadership is the key to growing. The more control you exert over your church members the less opportunity you will have to grow. Give ministry away

Failure is not an option, it is a necessity
If you are not failing from time to time you are not stretching yourself and taking enough risks.

Our work is not finished until Jesus comes
We don't retire in ministry. Reaching a certain goal, doesn't mean we can sit back and call it finished. We must press on and always win people to Christ.

People miss their flight to London
Just because someone says they will be in church or at your meeting doesn't translate into them actually showing up.

Think not as the pastor of your church but the pastor of your community
Best way to plant a church is to serve the community and become known as a church who wants to help their neighbors. Don't be a pastor only to those who walk through the doors of the church, but minister to those outside the walls.
Joe Boyd in Derby, Kansas gave us some great examples of this as they have served at local city concerts, festivals and city events cleaning up, directing traffic and serving food. People in Derby already know Aviator Church and Joe has not started their weekly services yet.

If you have a favorite axiom that wasn't mentioned, please share it with us and how it helps you.

Our next Greenhouse will be Monday, October 6. Hope to see you there.